Ing-Ind/08 Turbomachinery

The sector studies the thermodynamic, fluid dynamics, energy, ecological, technological and environmental problems of fluid machines, both at the level of the single component and at the level of the systems and plants in which the machines are inserted.  The sector's expertise covers d esign, management, diagnostics, control, environmental impact, experimentation and testing aspects of fluid-driven machines, both driving (steam turbines, gas turbines, hydraulic turbines, process expanders, internal combustion engines) and operating (pumps, fans, compressors) and chemical reactions (combustion, gasifier, reactors) as well as heat exchange facilities (evaporators, condensers, recuperators, etc.).  The sector is also studying the integration of machines in stationary systems for the generation of electrical and thermal energy, in terrestrial, marine and aerial propulsion systems, in industrial processes, in the tertiary and residential sector.

Teachers and researchers of the Sector


Presentation of the main results of recent research activities

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